To ensure a great experience for all of us and considering the diverse makeup of the BJ community, there are certain forum rules and guidelines to follow. Please read through these before posting. Our friendly moderators will help to enforce these guidelines in the forum.
✅Be Respectful:
No offensive language, personal attacks, or harassment. Keep discussions civil.
✅Use Clear Language:
Communicate clearly, avoid excessive slang or abbreviations.
✅No Hate Speech or Discrimination:
Avoid promoting hate speech, racism, sexism, or discrimination.
✅Respect Privacy:
No sharing of personal information or sensitive data.
✅Respect Copyright:
Don't upload copyrighted materials without permission.
✅Use Proper Formatting:
Make posts easy to read with proper formatting.
✅Stay Informed:
Follow forum-specific rules and guidelines.
❌No Spamming:
Avoid repetitive or irrelevant messages, ads, or self-promotion.
❌Avoid Trolling:
Don't provoke negative responses with inflammatory messages.
❌No Plagiarism:
Give credit to original authors if sharing content from other sources.
❌No Multiple Accounts:
Creating extra accounts to deceive or evade bans is forbidden.
❌No Illegal Content:
Prohibited to post pirated software, copyrighted materials, or malicious links.
❌No NSFW Content:
Don't share explicit or disturbing images.
❌Avoid Thread Necromancy:
Don't revive very old threads unless relevant and valuable.
◾️Use forum’s search feature:
Avoid duplicate topics.
◾️Choose a Clear Title:
Be concise and informative.
◾️Warm Introduction:
Greet and provide context.
◾️Be Clear and Respectful:
Share thoughts politely.
◾️Organize for Readability:
Use paragraphs and formatting.
◾️Add Supporting Evidence:
Include examples.
◾️Engage with Questions:
Encourage discussion.
◾️Use Media Wisely:
Relevant images or videos.
◾️Review Before Posting:
Check for errors.
◾️Follow Forum Rules:
Respect guidelines.
◾️Stay Engaged:
Respond to comments.